I would like to finish the Programming Merit badge so that you can get your badge at the Court of Honor in January.

In order to complete the Merit Badge you must:

1) Bring me a photocopy of your CyberChip document signed.
Complete the workbook
3) Turn in the workbook (to me) in early January (I need to find out what the cut-off date will be in order for you to get your badges by the Court of Honor).

I have covered most of the initial sections of the workbook (in the last two merit badge meetings) including:

1) Safety
2) History
3) General Knowledge
(we did some of this but will complete it on Saturday 21st in the classroom).
4) Intellectual Property (we will complete this on Saturday the 21st).

Part 5  "Projects" is where you will need to include the three programming samples.  At least two of these should be done by the end of our class on Saturday.  So you should have code from Scratch as well as Python and a third language if we have time.

If you don't get this in in time I will still help you to get your Merit Badge after the Court of Honor as long as you are willing to work.  You can contact me by calling my cell or by sending me an email or using the contact sheet on this website.

Mr. Donner

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